My oldest kids are twin boys! I love having twins, they have always been so much fun! Never a dull moment with these two!
They are very different...Bailey was born first (he is on the left) he has always been a unique kid, he is so kind and thinks first about how others would feel. Never is someone left out when Bailey is around. He is gifted at playing the piano, I love to listen to him play. He can be hard on himself sometimes, he thinks he should be great at everything he does (I have no idea where he gets that from...!!) He doesn't care what the other kids are wearing- he likes what he likes! I love that my Bailey is a different kind of guy, even though he is almost 11 he still lets me hug him and lights up when I tell him how great he is.
Jordan... he is "cool", he always has his studded belt on with his huge Superman buckle! People know it's Jordan by his Superman hats/clothes! He plays the electric guitar and practices hard for "his band"! I love his outgoing personality, he can make friends with anyone in a minutes time! He resists the hug a bit, but loves when I shoulder check him! It's a much cooler way to let him know I love him!!
I am so blessed, really. I love how different they are yet can finish each others sentences. They are best friends. I have a hard time even thinking of times when they have fought. They spend almost every waking minute together these two and have big plans for their future jobs together! (Jordan is going to design buildings and Bailey is going to build them!)